International women’s day

Such a blessing today to have celebrated international women’s day at church. Pastor Wick (our new pastor who releases me to do more ministry across Hungary and Europe) presented all the ladies at church with a tulip. It was a sweet moment to see an American pastor gift flowers to women from America, Congo, Hungary, Ireland and Mexico as a small example of the love of Christ. We had several ladies missing due to illness and travel but are grateful for those who were there.

Our small library is proving popular with a book or two taken out most weeks. It is a way for our church members to educate themselves and learn more of Christ.

Sarah Berta-Somogyi our Director of family ministry and lutheran missionary gave us an update on MOPS today. So many young mums coming! Usually 8-10 mums with their kids come and hear about the love of God. Both Sarah and my wife lead this wonderful ministry and we are happy to be a part of the MOPS family!


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